Good Morning Monday Images for 2024

Good Morning Monday Images for 2024

One of my passions living near one of the Great Lakes, is marveling over the changing landscape. Nearly daily, there is something new to discover, or enjoy with your eyes.

That reminds me of a cruise my husband and I enjoyed in Alaska. The captain took us into a glacier area and slowly turned the cruise ship in a 360 degree turn, most slowly so not to cause any sudden movement or glacier slides. Over the announcement system he said, 'stay in place where you are, the ship will turn slowly and you will see the view from both sides'. Then, it was his next statement that created a mental note in me that I've referenced often, 'put your cameras away, (we've got great images of this in the gift shop), enjoy this beautiful scenery with your eyes.'

So, with our Good Morning Monday Images that we share with you throughout the year, enjoy them and use them as our encouragement to get outdoors and enjoy the scenery with your eyes, wherever you are.

If I've learned something over the years, it's that we take where we live for granted, often thinking it's nothing special. We think that because we see our surroundings everyday. We take photos of 'special occasions' or our travels, but we fail to take photos of the 'everyday things'. Yet, it's those everyday interactions with people and things around you that will be the greatest lifelong memories.

So. I'm here to remind you to take a look around and appreciate the 'everyday' things. Where you live is unique to someone else.

So get outdoors and enjoy your everyday surroundings and enjoy the scenery with your eyes.

Good Morning Monday Images 2024 | Follow us at

See The Good

When out for my morning walk lakeside today, I was casually looking for any new signs or symbols for this new year, 2024. . . and I came across this "HEART" stone. I share it with you here as a symbol and reminder we all can 'give love', 'receive love' and 'be love' if we attempt to always 'see the good'. My wish for you and me in 2024 - "See the Good".

I wish you health, happiness and prosperity to you and your family in 2024.

Get outdoors and take in the scenery with your eyes this week!

Kindest Regards,


Deborah Clarke, Editor-in-Chief, - Family Friendly Favorites

Each year I choose an Inspiration Keyword. It's a word that helps me to focus 'in an instant' with my goals for the year. In 2024 my inspiration keyword is "Renaissance" because I believe 2024 will be a renaissance year, one to revive and surpass ideas and achievements of recent past. (which is the meaning of renaissance). The story in the bookmark below includes my 2023 Inspiration Keyword and Challenges you to Choose an Inspiration Keyword for yourself for 2024.

Good Morning Monday! | What’s Your Inspiration Word 2023?
In today’s Good Morning Monday thoughts, I explain how I’ve replaced new years resolutions with an inspiration keyword and how easily you can too. It’s 2023, you have 12 new chapters to write and 365 chances to make a difference every day in your own life.
Good Morning Monday - FAV Reviews
Every Monday in 2023, the editor of FavReviews will publish a photo, or a quote or something of inspiration for the week. Feel free to comment, like, share with friends.

Go ahead and follow all of our GOOD MORNING MONDAY quips, images and quotes.

Do You Enjoy the Outdoors as Much as We Do?

If you like to listen while walking or relaxing outdoors like we do, you can get lots of great music with Amazon Prime Music or 2 FREE Audiobooks from Audible Plus!

I love learning and I never give myself enough time to read books, so I love listening to a great book or motivating myself with great songs when out for my daily walks.

Plus, if you want to take advantage of 2-day shipping, get a free 30-day trial of Amazon Prime. ( I used to think free shipping was the biggest benefit of Amazon Prime, but have you seen how many new movies have been added to Amazon Prime lately?) PLUS, did you know if you receive qualifying government assistance like SNAP or Medicaid, and others you can save even more with Prime Access.

Fav Reviews | Family Friendly Products for People Who Like the Outdoors and Healthy Lifestyles

Want to see even more content about products for healthy lifestyles and outdoor enthusiasts? Be sure to check out all of our FAV Reviews.

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